Social Emotional Learning

Suppose you or your child have ever had trouble setting goals, making decisions, coping with emotions or getting along with or feeling empathy for others. In that case, you might consider learning more about social and emotional skills. Social-Emotional Learning involves developing and using social and emotional skills. Moreover, these abilities enable us to comprehend and manage our emotions, form positive relationships, develop empathy, establish and achieve goals, and think positively about ourselves.

Developing Social-Emotional Learning

People with strong social-emotional skills are better equipped to manage daily challenges, build positive relationships, and make informed decisions. Social-emotional learning can be taught and learned from preschool through to adulthood, assisting adults and children in thriving in school and life.
These skills are essential, and we are not born knowing how to manage emotions, solve problems and get along with others. However, these skills can be developed through social-emotional learning.

The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Model

At Beyond the Surface Counselling, I have developed practices and strategies around the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) model. The model defines five essential social and emotional skills for developing good mental health.

The five areas are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making.

Self-awareness allows us to recognise and understand our emotions, thoughts and values and how they affect our behaviour—understanding and assessing our strengths and learning that abilities and intelligence can be developed and improved.

Self-management is managing and regulating your emotions and behaviour, managing stress, controlling impulses and keeping yourself motivated.

Social awareness enables us to understand, respect and have empathy for others and to understand social and ethical norms of behaviour

Relationship skills involve developing and maintaining healthy and positive relationships with others. Relationship skills enable you to communicate effectively, cooperate with others, resist peer pressure and negotiate conflict.

Responsible decision-making skills enable you to make informed and responsible decisions about your behaviour and social interactions with others.

To Learn More About Social-Emotional Learning, Contact Beyond the Surface Counselling today.


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Julie is available for a 15-minute consultation to gain an understanding of the problem before a 50-minute intake.
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